13 May 2012

KegDroid Project

I read this article and found it absolutely hilarious!The project the article talks about is more hardware-oriented but does need to use an app (sorry,not an iPhone app,but an app nonetheless) to function well. It's a self-pouring beer system that functions quite well for those who need some glasses of the drink. Just to make sure you don't get in trouble with a subsequent DUI, as of May 7th 2012, Nevada State authorities have issued a licence to Google's self-driving cars. So, if you think you might get in trouble with your drinking, get yourself one of those Google's cars(not sure if they are on the market) and enjoy your drink in Nevada(if you are the drinking age of course!). The cars look pretty safe and will definitely benefit people with various disabilities as well as the general public as a whole.

On our side, if you are working on a location-based app, don't forget to play around with the awesome location simulations in the debug area of the iSimulator(debug--->Location-->anything you want to do with location simulations). You can simulate a bicycle ride, a car ride or even enter custom coordinates. Very handy if you want to test location changes behind your desk.

-Jean Paul

11 May 2012

Removing Spaces from Text

Found this on the web and was very helpful when I implemented the Weather App. This is helpful for removing spaces from a text.

I implemented the following line in my (IBAction)refreshView in my MainViewController.m file:
 NSString *noSpaceLocation = [nameLabel.text stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@" " withString:@""];

Then I just called the following under the same (IBAction)refreshView:
[self.forecast queryService:noSpaceLocation withParent:self];

I did this because I implemented a Flip Side Method for the "user" to change cities but was running into trouble with the "user" putting spaces into the UITextField.

This may be helpful for the final project.

09 May 2012


Steve Goryl sent me a link to this article about RubyMotion, the latest attempt to avoid the responsibility of learning Objective-C enable programming iOS devices in other languages.  Given the $149 price tag and gag-order approach, I don't anticipate much traction for this idea.  On the other hand, Ruby probably the trendiest programming language these days, so who knows.  Anyway, the name reminds of not just one oldies song, but two.

07 May 2012

iPhone Hacking in the New Yorker

This week's issue of the Greatest Magazine in the World features an article about George Hotz, the New Jersey teenager who was the first person to hack the iPhone. It also discusses Anonymous, Lulz Sec, and other things you should know about.

02 May 2012


Some apps really don't need to worry about weather they work or not:

01 May 2012

The Annoying Thing about Forums

A link to an xkcd coming
(from xkcd)

Objective-C Documentation

Here's a link to the documentation and also a link to a site that explains a lot of the basic grammar of the language. I always find it helpful to have documentation on hand, especially since it isn't really in  the book.


Tutorial Site:

How to use GitHub repositories in XCode

[Video]  XCode has built-in version control that uses git to store your project and its code at every step in its development process.  If anything goes wrong, you can easily revert your code to a previous working version.  If you want to try something new, you can create a branch to test your idea to see if it works before committing it the the main "master" line of revisions.
Git is known for its distributed version control.  This means that it works well in a centralized hosted manner as well as a local manner and it works with or without a reliable internet connection.  Its flexibility makes it useful in nearly every context of files that change over time.
You can use XCode's version control to its fullest extent by using GitHub as a central server to host your git repository (as opposed to on your local computer).  This frees your code by putting it into a public repository with some social features to let you share your code and show off your projects.
I created a screencast video that explains how to set up a GitHub account and connect it with your XCode projects.
Click here to watch my video.
I hope it helps you get more out of XCode.